
affogato. I try to make ‘ affogato ‘ by Japanease-black-tea.【Tea dessert】


What is affogato ?

What is affogato …

” Affogat meaning” Drowned “in Italian.
I will pour a hot espresso onto ice cream. ”

How to make
1: Serve vanilla ice in cocktail glasses etc.
2: Finished by pouring a hot espresso on top of it.

Please see here for details.
What is ‘affogato’

It is a dessert made with ice cream and coffee.
I thought by looking at this.
“Is not it the same thing made with black tea?”
With that, I decided to make an article this time.

When I cooked this time, I decided that it is impossible for ordinary Japanese black tea.
I decided to use Kawato tea factory “mo-te-tsu black tea” in Kameyama city.
A coffee shop Orange Pecoh’s ”benihomare” tea.

If it is impossible with this tea any black tea in Japan will be impossible.
Even in that sense, I think that it will be interesting verification.


Hot water: 500ml
Tea leaves: 15 g
Ice: suitable

1: I will make black tea. The length of time is 5 minutes.
2: Pour the tea into a shot glass (about 30 cc).
3: Pour ice in the cup.
4: Pour the tea into the ice cream.

I prefer hot tea.
Ice cream melted moderately.
Please note that tea will solidify when it is cold.

affogato maiking
The left side is the dark tea I used this time.
The right side is usually drinking tea.
The density is quite different.

As you can see the amount of hot water and the amount of tea leaves, it is 3 times as thick as normal.
If you drink as it is, it is dark enough that the face draws.

It is painful to drink as it is.
It was dark enough to make it white muddy over time.
Because coffee is to be done with espresso, it may be better to make with tea press machine.

made a comment – affogato

By the way, I have not eaten coffee ‘s affoghat.
But I tried challenging.

The feeling I ate was ice milk tea which was crispy.
If I was tea that I made as usual, the taste of tea would have been defeated by ice cream.
The astringent taste is suppressed by ice and others, it is reasonably good feeling.

I made it well, so I can recommend it to other people as dessert.
Why do not you try buying ice and challenging once?
affogato in Japanese black tea





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